Are you looking for a safer alternative to pressure washing? Softwash is your answer! This innovative exterior cleaning method uses one-third of the water that pressure washing does, uses 100% biodegradable cleaning solutions, and treats algae, mold, fungi, and mildew right on the spot. The results soft washing gets also last anywhere from four to six times longer than normal pressure washing.

Chris and truck


If you’re tired of your home or business surfaces looking old, run-down, and dingy, it’s time to give soft washing a try. We provide exceptional exterior cleaning solutions here at Apex SoftWash, and we’re excited to show you the kind of results we can get for your home or business. We serve the Palm Harbor, Florida area, and our family-owned and -operated business is known for our great results and even better service.

We can softwash rooves, fences, driveways, windows, sidewalks, decks, patios, pool decks, pool cages, and more. Our company is fully licensed, insured, and background checked, and we are a SoftWash Systems affiliate. We’re also SoftWash Systems certified and trained and a SoftWash Authorized professional.

If you have durable surfaces like concrete that can withstand pressure washing, we also offer this service. We are always happy to consult with you based on the specifics of your situation as to which method is the best for your given needs.

When it comes to getting your home or business’ exterior surfaces truly clean and getting results that last, we can make this happen. To learn more about the power of soft washing or to schedule an inspection with us, get in touch with us today.